Brought to you with love by the National Rifle Association.
HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN pays homage to the scratched, damaged visuals and audio of 70’s exploitation films (which its modern inspiration GRINDHOUSE replicated brilliantly) with vigilante themes, in the vein of Charles Bronson's DEATH WISH series or even Mel Gibson's MAD MAX. In all of them, ordinary men take matters into their own hands to seek justice in a world gone utterly mad.
In HOBO, a homeless drifter (Rutger Hauer, known only as “Hobo”) jumps from a freight car into a lawless, urban hell where criminals rule the streets, the cops are dirty and crime boss Drake rules with his murderous sons. Amidst this chaos, the Hobo glimpses a lawn mower in a pawnshop and daydreams of happier days to come - yet he realizes that the only way he’s going to get there is if he uses a shotgun that soon falls into his hands.
HOBO began as a "fake" trailer created by Canadian filmmakers Jason Eisener, John Davies and Rob Cotterill. It starred Dave Brunt and won a contest as part of Austin’s 2007 South by Southwest film festival to promote Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino’s new horror/exploitation double feature at the time, GRINDHOUSE. The team behind the fake trailer also helmed the feature film, with Eisener as its director. (GRINDHOUSE also has a spin-off in September 2010’s MACHETE starring Danny Trejo.) The fake trailer for HOBO screened with GRINDHOUSE in a number of Canadian theatres.
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