We've seen everything in this re-imagined DC Comics tale in one form or another before. It's a sporadically entertaining experience at best (with fun special effects); a bloated and predictable blockbuster at worst. Not a single character is fleshed out, from the dashing yet occasionally self-effacing Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) to Peter Sarsgaard's initially sympathetic nerd-turned-villain, Dr. Hector Hammond. (And Blake Lively just can't act.)
One would assume that joining an intergalactic police force would prove a complicated venture requiring more than a bit of explanation, but GREEN LANTERN doesn't bother with such pesky details. We're hurried through the convoluted back story and in the end feel betrayed by the filmmakers' contempt for their audience. Adding insult to injury, the $200 million movie shoplifts from mega-hits TOP GUN and the STAR WARS and original SUPERMAN films (even mimicking John Williams' superb score from the latter).
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