THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN, one of two highly anticipated Spielberg movies to come out this Christmas season — the other being the WWI-epic, WAR HORSE — sets a high mark for motion capture animation and provides moments of visual ecstasy on the big screen. An extraordinary level of attention was paid to every pixel-sized detail and the three-dimensional adaptation of the fresh-faced, wholesome boy reporter from the 20th century comic books, with his trademark shock of red hair.
Perhaps it's due to the screenplay’s combination of elements from three (and arguably more) of the original books (The Crab with the Golden Claws, The Secret of the Unicorn, and Red Rackham's Treasure), but the film's sprawling, international storyline challenges our comprehension. And some of the action scenes — as with too many modern, big-budget adventure films — are so replete with CGI and swooping camera work that it can be hard to discern what's going on those high-adrenaline moments as well...
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