Wednesday, May 19, 2010

CNN's Non-News

The Wrap: "Campbell Brown Quits CNN, Falls on a Sword"

People yawned at this story. I yawned at this story. CNN is a joke, losing half their viewership in the last year if I remember correctly? Which makes me happy because it at least means people know ineptitude when they see it. I think CNN should go the non-profit route. They could be our BBC and no longer feel the need to dumb their content down for ratings' sake or to compete with Fox and MSNBC's bloviating. But as long as they make merely cosmetic changes to their programming, nothing is going to change.

It would be soooo nice to have a news network that performs reputable, fearless reporting. On the danger of corporate monopolies, need for campaign finance reform, failed drug war, unchecked lies of politicians and pundits, outdated minimum wage, our deranged health care apparatus, need for election reform, bloated war budget, insensible occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, and on and on. There's no shortage of news to report on - let alone news not getting reported elsewhere. And this is due to media congloms' obsession with the bottom line, and failing in their obligations as the fourth estate.

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