Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rand Paul Said Wha?

Huff Post: Hear What Rand Paul Said Yesterday?

Insane. (Video below.) He was on Rachel Maddow - quite the get for her; he'd announced his candidacy on her show as well - and she pressed him on his view that part of the Civil Rights Act of the '60s was flawed. Specifically, the law forcing private institutions to desegregate. In other words, a diner can't turn away black people. Paul thinks businesses should be able to say "we don't serve your kind" to blacks, Jews, gays - take your pick. Insane.

I adore Rachel - she performs some hard-hitting journalism - and while most television pundits would have let Mr. Paul get away with endless hedging on the subject, she grilled him for a full 20 minutes to make sure we were all clear on his point of view. And I could not believe my eyes and ears.

What will be more depressing is if the man actually wins despite this - it's Kentucky, and Kentucky trends Republican. On a brighter note, the Democratic primary drew bigger numbers than the Republican primary, a possible sign that Democrats are more enthused about the race than their counterparts. We'll find out in November. If he's smart, the (D) nominee, Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, will pound away on his opponent with this new piece of information every day until the polls open.

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